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Monday, September 5, 2022

Dungeons & Dragons Animated Series Ep. 18

There's a really cool location on this episode, and a pretty interesting idea. The worst "player" becomes the dungeon master. 

You can buy the complete series right here

Check out the previous episode recaps: 

Part One (Episodes 1-6)
Part Two (Episodes 7-13)
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28

Episode 18 - Day of the Dungeon Master

The adventurers are being chased by giant monster bees. Presto ends up blowing the bees away with a fan.

Dungeon Master shows up and Eric talks about how easy the DM has it. He has all this power and never uses it. Dungeon Master says that he could use a break.

He gives Erik the power of the Dungeon Master, complete with robes. He tells the group to head east and to seek the city called Darkhaven. "It is there you will find the golden grimoire. It holds the key to everything you seek."

This is amusing when you think about it in a meta context. The most annoying player is running a session.

After a bit of walking, Erik realizes that he can send the group home. In theory.. he doesn't know how, yet.

Shadow demon is spying as always. He flies back to report to Venger. Venger is now in some random stone castle. Inside of it is a massive statue of what appears to be Venger when he had two horns.

Venger think she can use the heroes to obtain the golden grimoire.

Venger summons a storm that begins firing lightning bolts at the group. Erik actually makes the storm vanish.

The group is exhausted from walking. Erik summons a giant bird. They climb on and begin flying toward the city. Then, a red dragon attacks!

They jump off the bird and go into a freefall. Presto summons a parachute that everyone but Erik grabs on to. Hank uses his arrows to.. make a trampoline for Erik to land safely on.

Erik is depressed that he is having such a hard time controlling the power. The group is actually sympathetic toward him.

They arrive at Darkhaven. What a cool-looking place:

The city appears to be empty, and is laid out like a dungeon with many doors.

Venger and shadow demon are also in the city, but can't find the grimoire. 

The group comes to a flooded level. They use an upturned table as a boat and float around.

The heroes eventually find the golden grimoire, and Erik uses it to open a portal to Earth. Venger shows up, closes the portal, and snatches the weapons as well as the grimoire.

The portal is closing. Erik urges the group to go through the portal, and tries to fight Venger. Venger starts blasting Erik.

The adventurers decide that they can't leave Erik behind. Diana uses some of her trademark acrobatics to grab the weapons and give them to the group.

Erik uses the grimoire as a shield. The whole place is collapsing. Erik teleports the group outside the city. The entire city blows up, and the dust coalesces into an image of Venger.

Dungeon Master is here. He points out that Erik risked his life to save the group. Erik asks to be the cavalier again. The request is granted.

Then a single rain cloud appears over Erik's head and everyone laughs at him.

Darkhaven is an incredible location. Every interior painting is inspiring. You could do so much with this place. Who lived there? Why is it built in such a huge scale?

Stuff that Presto's Hat Does:

43. Summons a fan that blows giant bees away.
44. Summons a flying carpet that immediately flies away.
45. As the group falls from the sky, summons a parachute for them to hold on to.

Eric's Life is Horrible Because:

16. He can't control Dungeon Master's powers and the group continually insults him over it.
17. He trips and falls into an empty suit of armor. The heroes laugh at him.
18. A single rain cloud appears over his head and everyone laughs at him.

Hank's Bow Can:

49. Fire an arrow that wraps around and ties up a swarm of giant bees.
50. Fires two arrows that wrap around and tie up a yeti.
51. Fire an arrow that grows into abridge, allowing the group to cross a chasm.
52. Fire 8 arrows that become a trampoline for Erik to fall on to.

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