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Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Legend of Vox Machina Ep. 11

You can watch this episode right here

At the ziggurat, Delila notes that the celestial alignment is almost complete. She chants, and the place begins to glow.

The adventurers approach the ziggurat. Scanlan realizes that the tome was an "instruction book" related to the Whispered One - an undead creature who seeks the power to return to our plane.

The solstice is the time that the barrier between the planes is weakest. So... the Briarwoods are trying to summon... Vecna?!

Anna Ripley ditches the group. Percy is torn on shooting her - as doing so would alert the Briarwoods. He is nearly overcome by the black smoke/energy.

Instead he ascends the steps and challenges Silas. Vex, still under the control of the villains, attacks his sister.

Cassandra fights Percy, who points out that Percy abandoned her.

Pike battles Silas, while Scanlan is getting hurt badly by Delila. She cast silence on him, and he's just screwed. Pike jumps in to save him.

Silas drops Percy. We see that Cassandra is under the magical influence of Silas, as is Vax.

Keyleth, wounded, notices the roots of the sun tree. She channels its energy, which snaps Vax out of it. It also cancels the silence spell.

Grog and Silas face off. Silas tries to take control of Grog.. but Grog closes his eyes and keeps fighting. That's so good.

Grog holds Silas in a bear hug (grapple), and Keyleth channels the energy of the sun tree. Delila tries to help, but Scanlan casts silence on her.

Keyleth blasts Silas with radiant energy, wounding Grog but reducing Silas to dust. Silas's name disappears from the gun.

With Silas gone, his control over Cassandra is gone.

Delila seals herself into a vast, evil chamber at the top of the ziggurat.

She enacts the ritual. The adventurers bust into the chamber as a portal opens.

Vex fires an arrow into Delila's back. Delila casts a spell back at Vex, but Keyleth dives in the way and takes the hit.

A robed figure steps through the portal. It is "The Whispered One." He vanishes, apparently abandoning Delila to her fate. Is that a sphere of annihilation hovering there where he was standing?

Percy shoots her in the back twice.

Pike goes to heal Keyleth, but her "astral form" comes apart.

We close in on the hovering sphere to end the episode.


I really appreciate that there were no "lowly minions" on the side of the bad guys. They added in Vax and Cassandra, which helps include the other characters, to keep it from feeling like this is all only about Percy.

A really epic episode, I am really curious about how this finishes.

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