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Monday, February 1, 2016

Dead Gods - The Battle of the Great Gate

Tonight's game was a bit fetch-questy. That's something I try to avoid as it feels too much like a video game, but tonight I made an exception. This chapter is heavy on setting material but almost completely devoid of actual plot specifics. 

We had a pile of twizzler bites, which is a superior D&D food in my humble opinion. I told a story about how french bread pizza tore up the roof of my mouth that made Jessie laugh so much she almost died. Later, I tried to do a British accent for a slave NPC but I couldn't get it right. Jessie then did one for me, which kills me every time.

It looks like we are going to skip the next chapter of this book, which is optional. The heroes found a map of a place called "Pelion" in Tcian Sumere. If they investigate it, they end up in this weird flashback adventure that requires the heroes to actually make different characters to go through. I had thought about changing it, but I think we are just going to skip it.

The Party

(Jessie) Bidam - Platinum-Scaled Dragonborn Fighter
(George) Theran - Drow Wizard

The Goblins

Last time, the heroes had traveled to a drow city in the Greyhawk setting to find a drow named Erehe whose memory had been erased. Tonight we finished it and are about to head into the endgame of the adventure.

The heroes had killed two drow in the city and took their cloaks. They fled to the secret tunnel where the goblins were hiding out. The group had also hidden two slaves there that they had rescued.

I had detailed the goblins a bit. I decided they looked similar to the goblins in Labyrinth, and that they mispronounced words. I got this idea from a reddit thread. Here's some examples:
  • Library = "Lyeberry"
  • Supposedly = "Supposably"
  • Especially = "Eckspecially"
So the wounded heroes go in the goblin tunnel and I proceed to try to roleplay the goblins, loading up their sentences with mispronunciations. I burned through them so fast that I actually ran out in no time at all. Their names included "Warsh," "Moot," "Excedra" and "Boss Ungyun."

The goblins all sleep in a pile in the tunnel. I was wondering if the heroes would be grossed out by this or what. The heroes just climbed right into the sweaty pile and went to sleep.

The next day, Bidam noticed that his Orcusword was cracked. A goblin showed him to a weapon smith shop that could help. While there, some kuo toa showed up and demanded that the smith stop everything and repair a kuo toa whip's pincer staff, which had an ornate carving of Blibdoolpoolp on it.

A fight broke out, and the heroes killed the kuo toa. They took the pincer staff, thinking it was cool.

Assassinating A Kilsek Guard

Bidam had to use his backup sword while the Orcusword was at the shop. The group had a task to complete - they had to kill the captain of the Kilsek guard. They were going through the city killing anyone sympathetic to House Tormtor.

The group found her at a "torture shop". I really don't want graphic torture scenes in my games, so I had previously wracked my brain to think of a type torture shop that was almost pleasant. What I came up with was a slave-grooming shop. In this place:
  • A bugbear slave was having his fur shaved.
  • A dwarf slave was having his beard braided.
  • A human slave was getting tattoos.
Nieriv, the captain of the guard, was watching the groomers shave her bugbear.

The heroes cooked up a plan. They bought some drow poison and coated Bidam's blade with it. Then they waited for Nieriv to leave the shop. The heroes pretended to get in a fight with each other. They both made deception rolls and pulled it off.

Then they set it up so that Bidam would make like he was trying to stab Theran, but Theran would move and the blade would strike Nieriv.

This worked! But... Nieriv made her save against the poison! She flexed her magic adamantine arm and threw Theran 15 feet! Then she grabbed Bidam by the throat with her magic arm. Fingertip claws popped out and injected Bidam with drow poison!

The heroes rallied, killed Nieriv and fled the scene.

They met up with Terrigen, the scarred rebel drow. He held up his end of the bargain, and told the group they could find Erehe outside the city walls. He was on a hill watching a huge battle...

The Battle of the Great Gate

There's two paragraphs of flavor text describing this scene. Drow armies are doing battle as fireballs explode and demons are summoned.

Erehe is on a hill with Verdaeth, the leader of Tormtor, along with three more drow and six displacer beasts. Verdaeth is riding a nightmare (an evil horse with flaming hooves).

Bidam really wanted the nightmare. I kept mum on this, because I had anticipated that and had planned accordingly.

Another fetch-quest deal was cut. Verdaeth knew what the heroes wanted to know (while Erehe's memory had been wiped, Verdaeth knew more than anyone suspected). She'd tell them if they would go assassinate Liminis, who was guarding the wall to the Great Gate.

And so we had a big battle on a 30 foot high wall. 4 drow archers opened fire on the heroes. As the heroes tore into them, Liminis pulled out a black wand (a wand of darkness - a magic item I think I got from the 2e Drow of the Underdark book). He used the wand to summon a nightmare. He climbed on it, and flew above the wall, ready to drop spells on the heroes.

Theran used a thunderwave spell to send the archers flying over the side of the wall. Then he and Bidam starting shooting chromatic orb spells up at Liminis.

Liminis responded by casting cloudkill on them, which I had to look up, as I wasn't sure if it blocks line of sight (it doesn't).

The heroes reeled from the spell. Theran got out of the cloud and cast Tasha's hideous laughter, which is quite a nasty spell. Liminis rolled a 2 on his save, and laughed so hard he fell prone. He plummeted off of his mount and down to the battlefield below.

As fate would have it, his wand of darkness flew from his hand and landed right at the feet of the heroes.

The Wand of Darkness has some cool properties:
  • It does 1d2 damage to good creatures who touch it.
  • It can cast darkness.
  • It can summon a nightmare who "..knows and serves the wielder."
The group made their way back to Verdaeth and she held up her end of the deal. She explained that Erehe and Kestod had been tasked by their god, Kiaransalee, to hide the Wand of Orcus. They stashed it on the 4th layer of Pandemonium.

Orcus was on the trail of the wand. If he got the wand, he would assume his demon lord form once more! The heroes realized they needed to get to the wand before Orcus did.

Next time, the group will head to the city of Greyhawk and then go back to Sigil to begin the final chapter of Dead Gods.

Click here to proceed to the next chapter of Dead Gods.


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Abdullah said...

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Abdullah said...

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Abdullah said...

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Cauterization: The pores and skin tag is burned off using electrolysis

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Abdullah said...

During puberty, hormones often cause oil glands to supply excess oil, which increases pimples dangers.
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shanusweet said...

There is nothing weak about the mentally ill. Memory Hack Strangely, the struggle by the individual against their illness - supported or not - confers upon them a degree of empowerment in itself. The mentally ill can have, therefore, a strange kind of freedom services and staff don't; this is why we should be talking to each others as equals and partners, not only to be equitable, but to learn from each other and merge the experience and knowledge we share. I know that this is happening more and more and has to an extent always happened; now it needs to become practise. Over the recovery trainings I was taken, unexpectedly and spontaneously, on a journey of great personal significance and professional value. It caused me to re-evaluate and examine all of my experience since my diagnosis. It made me wonder: All the time we are told that mental illness is on the rise, more are depressed, stressed, anxious, more self-medicate, self-harm. Mental health care costs are set to rise steeply. Soon more than half the population of this country will be statistically mentally ill.

shanusweet said...

A recent study by Grossmann and his colleagues, published Brain C-13 in a prestigious scientific journal - the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - tested the idea that as we age our wisdom improves, in the sense of gaining in the ability to mediate and resolve interpersonal conflicts. In their study, they asked participants to read stories about intergroup and interpersonal conflicts and predict how these conflicts would unfold. Having a family member with mental health illness can be painful experience. Some families try not to talk about the problem hoping that it will magically disappear, it never does. However, keeping the patient's condition hidden will make matters worst and prolong recovery. If you want to help your ill family member, suggesting mental health rehabilitation could be the best decision for you and your family member.

shanusweet said...

Use green tea extract: Apply green tea infused HydraLyft face cream twice daily to affected regions of the skin. The extract of Green tea helps to reduce division of skin barrier that causes Rosacea. It ranks high in the list of rosacea natural remedies. Use Natural cosmetic products: Avoid any kind of skin care product with added scent or alcohol which can irritate the skin and make worse your rosacea. If you need to use make-up, choose mild products that contain natural ingredients. This is a question that we frequently get from visitors to our site. Here is a short article outlining steps that we suggest to those suffering with this dilemma. Exfoliation will help to "prevent" razor bumps (do not exfoliate if bumps are present however, as this will further aggravate your skin).

shanusweet said...

Apart from that, it also gets triggered with HydraLyft our own merciless skin treatments including exceedingly hot showers and insufficient moisturizing. As a result, you complain of getting a dry itchy face. "Water helps maintain essential hydration of the outer layers of your skin, thus creating an effective barrier that safeguards the body from bacteria attacks and irritants," says Kenneth Beer, MD, director of the Palm Beach Esthetic Center, in Florida. To keep your skin staying fresh, looking healthy and feeling soft during winters, here is what you should do: Though your skin's natural oil - sebum - does give you some protection from, however, it might not be i sufficient enough at all times.

shanusweet said...

There are many possibilities and an annual review is but one Brain C-13 Review way to ensure that the parent or parents, the teachers and staff are all on the same page. Further, if I notice a problem or positive growth in any area I, as the parent of children for whom IEP's have been developed and put in force, have the option to ask that a meeting be scheduled outside the normaltime frame of an annual review to address the problem area specifically, or to remove an accommodation that is no longer needed. There are federal laws in effect that provide both the children and the parents of those children the right to have special needs assessed and a plan of action developed to enable such afflicted children the opportunity to succeed. Such programs in no way reduce the responsibility a child has for trying to do his or her best and make a concerted attempt to succeed. And has been shown over time very, very few children intentionally start out with the idea that failure is an option. These children want very much to succeed, but they have a hurdle that must be dealt with literally around the clock, and often into and through adulthood.

Jerome Samson said...

Being a vampire has certain limitations, but it can also be a ton of fun. Your extra strengths and abilities can make you successful in almost every endeavor you participate in and before you know it the money and acquaintances will come streaming in. You can build wealth and gain prestige and notoriety and attempt things you may never have even considered as a human. One thing you will definitely have more of is time. Beef up your education and learn all you every wanted to. Travel the world to see things most people only ever see on TV This is going to be especially fun if you turned to share your life with one of us. Let us show you the wonders of the world. Learn new languages, go skydiving or scuba dive with sharks, visit the African safari. You no longer need to be scared of nature or wildlife – you will have become the worlds strongest predator. Have fun with it and your life as a vampire can be more fulfilling than you ever dreamed. Explore, experiment, experience and get excited. There’s a big world out there with lots to see and do and as a vampire, you can do it all. If your dream is to become a powerful person in life contact:

hamid radami said...

If you are tired of ways to get rid of unwanted hair such as wax, strap, etc., laser hair removal can help. This technique uses focused laser light that penetrates the hair follicle. Laser can be used to remove excess body hair, for example hand, arm, leg, armpit laser, and so on. The accuracy of the laser hair removal machine is very high (this depends largely on the laser device used), each pulse of the laser operates in less than a second and can remove a large amount of hair in an instant. Treatment sessions depend on the extent of the treated area, for example areas with a low back area, such as less than 2 minutes, and larger areas such as a back foot, which will take about an hour. In 3% of all hair and face treatments after 3 to 5 sessions, you can get rid of your hair permanently.
اگر از راه هایی برای از بین بردن موهای زائد مثل موم، بند و… خسته شده اید، لیزر موهای زائد
می تواند به شما کمک کند. در این روش از نور متمرکز شده لیزر استفاده می شود که به داخل فولیکول مو نفوذ می کند.

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