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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dice, Camera, Action Episode 74 - Tomb of Annihilation

Episode 74 - Gods Rest Ye Merry Wafflecrew
This is the final show of the year!

 The Party

(Matthew Lillard) Bag of Nails - Tabaxi Hunter
(Anna) Evelyn - Human Paladin of Lathander
(ProJared) Diath - Human Rogue
(Holly) Strix - Tiefling Sorcerer
(Nathan) Paultin - Human Bard

The heroes spends some time studying the ring of winter and the weird egg they found. Paultin claims the ring and uses it to create an ice rhino.
After a bit more travel, the waffle crew arrives at the lost city of Omu. It is sunk into the ground, surrounded by cliffs on all sides.

The heroes scope out the city. They spot some shrines in the distance.

What's this... A guy is running. He's got arrows in him. He yells, "He's mad, he'll kill us all!" He's hit by another arrow and dies.

The assassin is Matt's character, a tabaxi hunter named Bag of Nails. He tells the group to come out or he'll kill them all. After a bit of parlay, the heroes say that they are here to stop Ras Nsi.

Bag of Nails likes this and he approaches the adventurers.  He ends up making a "blood bond" with Diath.

There are some chwingas about, little mute jungle spirits.

Bag of Nails warns the heroes that the yuan-ti move through the city disguised as normal snakes.

The group scopes out a kamadan shrine. Lurking there is a giant, four-armed gargoyle. It's just watching them. Bag of Nails shoots arrows at it. The gargoyle attacks!

The gargoyle has five attacks. It goes after Evelyn.. A crit with a bite does 25 points of damage to the paladin. One claw does another 9 slashing.

Paultin uses his ring to hit the gargoyle with a cone of cold. Does 50 points of damage! Strix follows up with a fireball and destroys the gargoyle.

Strix is not thrilled that Paultin is stealing her thunder.

Strix transforms herself into Viari's yuan-ti girlfriend (from the Acquisitions Inc. show). She says that the group should pretend they're her prisoners. Holly does a very amusing snake voice: "Sssut up! I'm a snake!"

Suddenly, six yuan ti appear. 4 have snake heads. The other two have human heads and upper bodies, but they have snake tails instead of legs.

They are led by Fenthaza, an NPC of note from the Tomb of Annihilation adventure.

Strix does a cone of cold, trying to out-do Paultin.
As they mop up the bad guys, a giant creature swoops down from the sky. A red dragon! It says, "At last!" It's Klauth, the ridiculously powerful red dragon!

The remaining yuan ti turn into snakes and flee. Bag of Nails says he will hold off the dragon. Diath urges the group to run.

Klauth busts out his wands. The group tells Paultin to take off the ring. That's where we stop!


Good show! I'm happy that the group is in Omu. Can't wait for them to get into the Tomb of the Nine Gods! Will Chris have them go through the whole thing? Maybe he'll have them head to the bottom levels right away?